Teaching, Education, and School Overhauls Going On in Many States
One of the most important things in a society or civilization is training and teaching the next generation of up and comings to do the required jobs, and run the system. If not, the city-state, state, province, or country will begin to decline and decay. Indeed, right now there are some serious challenges as many state budgets are being cut to the bone. Obviously, one of the biggest costs is education, and therefore it cannot go unscathed during budget cuts. There are many states that are in financial hot water. Consider if you will states like New Jersey, California, Florida, Illinois, New York, just to name a few. These states have watched their tax revenues cut, and although they are back on the incline, they are in severe debt. They have no chance but to cut costs, meanwhile they've already promised pensions and have legacy obligations to past state employees, including the teachers. Trust me when I tell you this, the teachers will not go down without a fight, and the teachers...